
Krebs und Getreide










Cancer  Krebs wegen zu wenig Sauerstoff

Next, I identified a recent study conducted by the University of Colorado. According to the journal Cancer Research, researchers found low oxygen levels trigger the spread of cancerous tumors.4

The study concludes that oxygen has treatment implications for a wide variety of cancers like "breast, ovarian, colorectal, pancreatic, prostate, bladder and other cancers."

And then I looked inside the December 2013 issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In a recent study, biologists at John Hopkins University found that low levels of oxygen trigger the spread of breast cancer.5

In their own words, "when breast cancer cells were exposed to low oxygen levels, they had significantly more movement compared with breast cancer cells exposed to normal oxygen levels."

But when oxygen levels increased, researchers saw reduced movement.

In other words, the growth of breast cancer tumors stopped.

Now, these studies are great because they confirm the lack of oxygen is the #1 cause of cancer.

But what about the solution...?

Well, hundreds of studies confirm that if you...

"Pump Your Blood Full of Oxygen, Cancer Dies – Without Harming Healthy Cells"

One groundbreaking 2009 study led by Oxford University scientists did just that. By restoring oxygen levels to that of a normal cell, the tumors become three times more sensitive to treatment.

The lead researcher Gillies McKenna reports, "We have discovered a new way of overcoming the major reason most cancers become resistant to treatment with radiation and chemotherapy."

The study used oxygen to help cure multiple forms of cancer like, "breast, head and neck cancers as well as carcinomas on the skin and major organs." Results were even positive for pancreatic cancer.

In short, oxygen treatments can cure a wide range of cancers.

And researchers at the University of Washington reached even more shocking conclusions.

Over 48 hours, they reported in the journal Anticancer Research, "[oxygen] reduced the cancer cells growth by 38 percent." 7

That's in a two-day window!

As the lead researcher concludes, "Over a longer time, we expect the effects to be even more dramatic."

And then University of South Florida scientists conducted a study using oxygen therapies to treat mice with late stage cancer.8

According to the journal Public Library of Science, the study found these mice lived 78% longer than the other test subjects.

That's because oxygen treatments stopped the spread of cancer tumors – the main cause of death for cancer patients.

The study's lead researcher Dominic D'Agostino, Ph.D., told Science Daily:

"Our study demonstrates the potential of these cost-effective, nontoxic therapies to contribute to current cancer treatment and significantly improve the outcome of patients with advanced metastatic cancer."

"These therapies protect healthy tissues while simultaneously damaging cancer cells."

The Cure for Over 50 Diseases

Like molecular biologist Stephen A. Levin, Ph.D. from the University of California Berkeley, who concludes that, "lack of oxygen in the tissues is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease." 9

Or Dr. Arthur G. Guyton, renowned author of the classic text The Textbook on Medical Physiology, who wrote, "All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at a cellular level." 10

Dr. Parris M. Kidd, an internationally recognized cell biologist, states, "We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease." 11

And then there's Dr. W. Spencer Way, who wrote in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians, "The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established." 12

"Our Modern, Low-Oxygen Environment
Is the Cause of ALL Disease"

Researchers conclude that the level of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere has declined by over a third, and in polluted cities by more than 50 percent.

The 8th Element: Nature's Universal Cancer Killer.

The Key to Cutting Cancer off at the Knees Is
Getting Oxygen into Your Blood

And you can do so with easy "at home" therapies... No doctor's visit or prescription required...
For ONLY pennies a day

Jeden Tag werden wir lebensbewusste Menschen aufmerksam gemacht, dass wir Zucker wegen dem Krebsrisiko meiden sollen.

Studien haben jedoch gezeigt, dass die Wahrheit differenzierter aussieht. Unser Körper akzeptiert linksdrehende Moleküle, sprich linksdrehende Zucker (Honig, Ahornsyrup, Melasse).
Dagegen liebt Krebs nur rechtsdrehende Moleküle, sprich raffinierten Zucker und Süßstoff.

Paleo, Steinzeit-Nahrung: 

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